Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 +91 97910 80813 / 044 2449 4455


Fortune Commodity Trade is leading importer of steam coal. Fortune Commodity Trade, better known for its Quality & Service, is a leading name in the country in the field of international and domestic trading of coal. Fortune Commodity Trade has tremendous goodwill in, and in-depth knowledge of, the Indian and international markets. It has excellent infrastructure and expertise to provide customized commercial, transportation and logistical solutions for handling of large consignments of coal from across the globe.


  • Gross Calorific Value (ADB) : 6.300 - 6100 Kcal/Kg
  • Gross Calorific Value (ARB) : 5.800 - 5.600 Kcal/Kg
  • Net Calorific Value (ARB) : 5500 - 5300 Kcal/Kg
  • Total Moisture (ARB) : 16% Max >18 %
  • Inherent Moisture (ADB) : 8% -12 % Approx.
  • Ash Content (ADB) : 14% Max >16 %
  • Volatile Matter (ADB) : 35 % - 45 %
  • Fixed Carbon (ADB) : By Difference
  • Total Sulphur (ADB) : 1 % Max >1%
  • Hard Grove Index (HGI) : 40-45 Approx.
  • Size : 0-50 mm (90%)


  • Gross Calorific Value (ADB) : 6.000 - 5.800 Kcal/Kg
  • Gross Calorific Value (ARB) : 5.200 - 5.000 Kcal/Kg
  • Net Calorific Value (ARB) : 4800 - 4600 Kcal/Kg
  • Total Moisture (ARB) : 22% Max>24 %.
  • Inherent Moisture (ADB) : 10%-14% Approx.
  • Ash Content (ADB) : 10% Max>12 %
  • Valotile Matter (ADB) : 38%-45%
  • Fixed Carbon (ADB) : By Difference
  • Total Sulphur (ADB) : 0,8 Max>1%
  • Hard Grove Index (ADB) : 45-50
  • Size : 0-50 mm (90%)


  • Gross Calorific Value (ADB) : 5.800 - 5.600 Kcal/Kg
  • Gross Calorific Value (ARB) : 5.000 - 4.800 Kcal/Kg
  • Net Calorific Value (ARB) : 4.600 - 4.400 Kcal/Kg
  • Total Moisture (ARB) : 26% Max>28 %
  • Inherent Moisture (ADB) : 12%-14% Approx.
  • Ash Content (ADB) : 10% Max>12 %
  • Valotile Matter (ADB) : 38%-45%
  • Fixed Carbon (ADB) : By Difference
  • Total Sulphur (ADB) : 0,8 Max>1%
  • Hard Grove Index (ADB) : 45-50
  • Size : 0-50 mm (90%)


  • Gross Calorific Value (ADB) : 5.500 - 5300 Kcal/Kg
  • Gross Calorific Value (ARB) : 4.000 - 3.800 Kcal/Kg
  • Net Calorific Value (ARB) : 3600 - 3400 Kcal/Kg
  • Total Moisture (ARB) : 36% Max >38 %.
  • Inherent Moisture (ADB) : 13%-16% Approx.
  • Ash Content (ADB) : 7% Max >9 %
  • Valotile Matter (ADB) : 38%-45%
  • Fixed Carbon (ADB) : By Difference
  • Total Sulphur (ADB) : 0,6 Max> 0,8%
  • Hard Grove Index (ADB) : 50-60
  • Size : 0-50 mm (90%)


  • Gross Calorific Value (ADB) : 5.300 - 5100 Kcal/Kg
  • Gross Calorific Value (ARB) : 3.800 - 3.600 Kcal/Kg
  • Net Calorific Value (ARB) : 3400 - 3200 Kcal/Kg
  • Total Moisture (ARB) : 38% Max> 40 %.
  • Inherent Moisture (ADB) : 13%-16% Approx.
  • Ash Content (ADB) : 7% - 9 %
  • Valotile Matter (ADB) : 38%-45%
  • Fixed Carbon (ADB) : By Difference
  • Total Sulphur (ADB) : 0,5 % Max > 0,7 %
  • Hard Grove Index (HGI) : 55 – 60 % Approx.
  • Size : 0-50 mm (90%)